“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.”

—  Steve Maraboli

I’m an Onyx Star Child who came here to help others like me to heal, awaken and begin thriving.
I’m a Soul Guide, Starseed Activator & a Quantum Healer.

But I’m also an Aquarius, sci-fi movies addict, a crazy cat lady, a bicycle rider, nature lover and a firm believer in the power that’s hidden inside every single soul. And when you unlock that power, you can change absolutely EVERYTHING in your life.

I’m here to help starseeds thrive in life. To heal, remember who they are and reclaim their power so that they create a life they really want to live. So that they can do their soul work and make an impact and income being 100% authentic. So that they can have beautiful nurturing relationships and open up to love. So that they can feel well in their body.

I believe we can be genuinely happy and fulfilled only when we’re being our authentic self. When we live a live in true alignment with our soul. Even when society, family or circumstances tell you something different about how life should be. You simply need to remember and listen to your true self. Allow yourself to be YOU and let your soul lead the way.

When you start living from that space – everything around you starts falling into place and clicking like pieces of the puzzle. Because everything you’re experiencing in life is a reflection of your vibration. You’re attracting into your world things, people and circumstances that are an energetic match to you. So when you’re being YOU, life becomes much more easy and beautiful.

career change coach


Life’s greatest tragedy, and people’s greatest regret in their final days, is that they let fear win. They chose to play it safe rather than live out who they truly are.”

— Cheryl Strayed

 My mission


I am certain that every being on this Earth has a life purpose and a mission.  You can’t ignore them if you want to live your life to the fullest. In fact, we all remember our purpose when we’re born. But as we grow up, behind all the noise and conditioning of the society, we forget it and lose our own voice and our way.

My life purpose is to find and gather other Star children like me and first of all, let them know they are not alone and not crazy. And then help them fully awaken, step into their power and their higher mission and awaken the leaders dormant in them. So that we all can thrive in every possible way while helping Earth evolve and ascend.

I believe we’re all powerful creators capable of  building the life we truly want. And we can step into that power only when we know, understand and fully embrace ourselves. It all starts from within.

And I’m here for you to help you dive deep.

Let's talk about you!
I own my truth and I love what I do today!


But I haven’t always been this way. For 35 years of my life, I didn’t really remember who I was. I knew I was here to help others and I was aware of some of my gifts, but it was only a fraction of the truth. It was just glimpses and bits and pieces because I was still afraid to look within and accept myself fully.

Even though my awakening began back in 2016 which was sparked by my mom being diagnosed with cancer, I still had a long way to go. Through deep inner work, healing and soul searching, I was getting closer and I came to fully remember who I was during ayahuasca ceremony in 2021. My higher self finally revealed to me that I was a druid from Onyx star.

As I keep growing and accessing new depths of my being, I’ve also remembered my other incarnations. I know I carry the energy and the gifts from Lyra, Arcturus, Sirius and also Pleiades. I’m capable of channeling the magic from nature to help others heal and I also got access to the powerful Quantum Healing. I can recognise other starseeds. My voice has a special vibration that heals and activates people, raises their vibration and expands their consciousness. And I’m here with a very specific mission.

I’m here to help you awaken to the truth of who you are and start living an amazing empowered life. To thrive and make an impact being fully YOU.

I wish this to you from the bottom of my heart, dear one!

My life changed in unimaginable ways when I finally discovered my truth. I’ve had very profound inner shifts, a lot of insights from the Universe, I received incantations for healing in a language I don’t yet understand. And I started healing myself and others in a new powerful way.

As a founder of Authentick You, I want to support and inspire people around me to come back to their authentic self, to awaken to the truths they already know deep within, to become super confident and happy, to believe in their limitless powers and design for themselves a meaningful abundant life that is unique, authentic and full of passion as they are.


If you’re ready to remember who you really are and start really living your life in the way you feel deep inside you’ve always wanted, then click the button below to get started!


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