Start healing & awakening to change your life today!

My dream for everyone is to be happy, free and fulfilled. And I believe it happens when you heal and remember who you really are. Which is why I create all my workbooks, trainings, activations and guided healing journeys to help you reach this state of being and create your soul-aligned life. Never give up on your soul's desires  - you're already magnificent! You just need to remind yourself of that!


Underwater Guided Journey

Relaxation and Renewal

Allow yourself to shake off the stress of the day and let go of all of your worries with this amazing guided journey. So that you can reach a state of deep inner peace and tranquility. From my soul to yours.

Guided Healing Journey For Self-Love and Self-Acceptance

Meditative practice

In this audio, I'll bring you on a beautiful journey inside your heart. So that you can forgive yourself for your past mistakes and reopen the door for self-love and self-acceptance to enter your life.


Deep Soul Healing

A 3-day experience to heal and connect to your Soul

Do you keep going through the same repetitive patterns in life you seem unable to break? Do you feel stuck and not like yourself anymore? In this 3-part training, I share with you about deep soul wounds and how they're created. Help you recognise your own wounds and learn how you can heal from them so that you can get unstuck, connect back to your soul and start living the most amazing fulfilling life.

Psychic Vision Activation

Guided journey to open your 3rd eye 

In this powerful guided meditative journey, I help you open your 3rd eye to look beyond the veil and build a connection to the spirit world in a safe way.

Meditation For Beginners

1.5-hour workshop

If you really struggle with meditation or don't even know where to start, this workshop is for you. I'll share with you various tips and tricks on how to make your meditative practice easier, how to avoid usual mind traps and how to build this beautiful habit to dramatically improve your life. If you can't sit in meditation for even 5 minutes, it's definitely a must-watch for you!

Inner Healing Accelerator

1.5-hour workshop

If you're done being stuck in a healing loop without seeing any real changes in your life, this workshop is for you. In it, I'll share with you what it means to be empowered in your healing, and how you can accelerate your inner healing and finally see tangible results that stick.

Coming Back To YOU

2-hour workshop

In a world that wants you to conform and be someone you're not, being YOU is incredibly powerful! But it might not be that easy if from the early age you've learn that being you is something dangerous or undesirable. Or that you need to please others and forget about yourself. Or you're been taught to strive for some golden standards instead if listening to what your soul truly wants.
In this free workshop, I'll share with you 5 powerful shifts that you need to make in order to connect to your true self and remember your purpose. So that you can finally feel how powerful and liberating being YOU feels! And so that you can start forging your unique soul-aligned path and create the level of abundance you want to have!

Pain vs Suffering: how to free yourself and live in more joy

1.5-hour workshop

In this workshop, I'll teach you how you can change your perspective on pain so that you can stop being afraid of it and start growing from it. How to bounce back from adversities. And how you can put an end to your suffering so that you can live a life of more freedom, joy and happiness.

Soul Illuminations

3-part series + Q&A

If you're looking to know who you are, this is for you! It’s a very powerful experience for those who suspect they are starseeds. And who want to remember and activate their star soul! In it, I dive deep into who starseeds are and the signs that might indicate you’re one. I explain my 3-step process to remember who you are and share with you 1 powerful heart healing and 1 one longevity light code activation.

“You become more happy and fulfilled when you're being yourself and doing what you love EVERY DAY.”

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About Maria

certified career transition coach

Maria is a personal development and career change coach. She's working exclusively with women who feel stuck and uninspired in their job to help them discover their unique personality, immerse in their passions, build a fierce mindset and pursue the career of their dreams.

What's Next?

Guidance and support step-by-step

If you're been contemplating changes in your life, I'm sure my resources will be of great help to give you a head-start. But sometimes you need something more to take your first steps towards a better life. Which is why I'd be happy to help you if you're seriously determined to heal your soul and awakened your true potential. Book your first session with me now and start your magnificent transformation today!

Book your First Session!

I decided to change my career into something completely different but I wasn't sure if I could do it or if I'm ready. Maria's session was very well structured and made the necessity of change in my current situation really obvious. As a result, I felt a bit anxious but I got a positive feeling that I can definitely get out of my current situation.

Maria Leonida
