Water carries the energy of flow.
The more you're in the flow with life, the easier it will be.
The more heaviness you carry, the faster you'll go down like a rock.
Winter is the time for hibernation, gestation, of temporary freeze under the ice.
But once spring comes, ice will melt and water the seeds you're planting right now.
You can choose now what will grow later.
Join me for this powerful 1-hour elemental healing session The Power of Water to release heaviness from your heart and invite lightness, hope and flow!
Here's are a few things I'll be sharing with you.
I'm super excited to share this powerful healing session with you!
If you're done carrying junk inside your heart that weighs you down and makes you feel sad and isolated. And you're ready to let it go and let it overflow with peace, tranquility and hope. Then join this extraordinary experience. Allow water to regenerate your beautiful being.
Let's plant the seeds of renewal together!
This workshop is recorded and available to watch right away.
Energy exchange: 60 EUR.
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